
Sunday, January 13, 2019

Review: Merchant Shop from Tabletop World

The Merchant Shop is the latest addition to Tabletop World's range of medieval/fantasy buildings. In this blog post I take a closer look at the model and explain why I believe that it is their best building yet.

In November last year, Tabletop World (TW) released the Merchant Shop. I own nearly all of the many buildings that were released over the years and I have to say that this one stands out. Literally. TW already said it in their announcement on Facebook:

The Merchant Shop from
Tabletop World
We proudly present you our new Merchant Shop in heroic scale! This is the first in the line of models that will take your gaming experience to the next level! Apart from highest attention to detail we had game-play in mind when creating the model. You can easily use it with miniatures that are in 28-32mm scale. The whole building has plenty of space to move your miniatures around, with several floors connected with stairs. All doors, window shutters and hatches are hinged and fully operational so you can open and close them to your liking.

Friday, January 4, 2019

Résine Miniatures

Résine Miniatures is a French manufacturer of 28mm scale terrain and scenery for historical and medieval fantasy games.

I stumbled across their beautiful buildings on Pinterest where photos of their great work kept on appearing in my stream. It is rare that I find manufacturers that I hadn't heard of before. The photos show the Résine Miniatures logo but I couldn't find a website for them. Thanks to the messaging function of Pinterest I got into contact with Christophe Samuel, the man behind the company. While there is no website you can purchase Résine Miniatures products on Etsy and eBay.

To get an impression of the products, my first order contained the Medieval Buildings #3 and #7, the tomb and door #4.

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Inspirational Amsterdam

I spent the last days of 2018 in Amsterdam. As someone who is interested in old buildings and shipping, the city has a lot to offer in terms of sight-seeing and museums. Thus, the visit was my first inspirational boost for hobbying in 2019.


The most obvious and probably most famous thing about Amsterdam (marijuana consumption aside) is the grachten and the houses with their decorative gables.