
Thursday, March 15, 2012

On How To Be A Merchant in Mordheim

I'm not making any Mordheim related posts anymore let alone update the Border Town Burning website, but I wanted to take the time to share this: Over at Tom's Boring Mordheim Forum a user called TheEnemyWithin posted a very interesting strategy guide for the Merchant's Caravan warband from the BTB supplement. He has some very good ideas to share - some great tips on how to make some additional money in the beginning and what official Hired Sword is the best addition to the warband (I'm not giving it away here). A must-read for any aspiring merchant planning to conquer the Old World or Cathay. So check out The Merchant's Guide to Profiting in the City of Mordheim!


  1. I love your blog, it has been a real inspiration. Hope to see some more medieval building articles from you soon.

    By the way, have you tried the new pirate tabletop game Cutlass! by Black Scorpion Miniatures, I've not seen you mention it.

  2. I have the Cutlass! rulebook lying on my bedside table and I'm half way through it by now. I didn't get to play any proper games yet but there are certain aspects about the rules that I really liked. Maybe I'll borrow some for Gierburg... :)

  3. Wait are you saying you are done with Mordheim?!

  4. Well, at least, for now, I am not playing it anymore, or even reading anything about it / keeping up with the community or anything. Maybe at some point in the future this will change again.


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