
Saturday, September 8, 2012

Guild House from Stronghold Terrrain

Again it's been quite a while since my last post. However, this time with photos of my newest addition to the everlasting Gierburg project: I finally finished the Guild House by Stronghold Terrain which I bought at this year's Tactica show.

Firstly, the contents of the kit:

Except for the resin roof and base all pieces are made of hard stone plaster. I'm not a fan of plaster in general but this one's of good quality. Except for the weight which you just can't help with this material the structure is good, no bubbles or defects.

The walls have a nice system of fit-together-edges which makes assembling the model really easy. However, the pieces don't fit together 100% percent so require a bit of filing (which doesn't work too good on plaster, at least not like resin). The few gaps can be easily filled with modelling putty - if they even bother you enough to do so. I didn't mind them enough to become active there.

Here are some photos of the finished house. I am not very happy with the stonework. It looks slightly better in reality - not as prosy as in the pictures -  but not nearly as great as the sample photos on Stronghold Terrain's studio paint job. I will probably revisit the model at some point and try adding some pigments.

Here are two comparison shots with the Blue Wolf Inn and Tabletop World's Medieval Inn from my cabinet.

All in all I am quite happy with the model. The stairs, separate door and little shed make the house look interesting - without these additions it would look a bit dull. Personally the stonework's structure didn't really suit my painting skills, but that's a totally personal issue. The roof and woodwork is really nice and detailed. The size is good for 28mm models (see comparison shots above).

Now I'm really looking forward to painting the Stronghold Terrain Townhouse as well.


  1. That looks great. I wish there were models like that for 15mm scale. Can I ask how you paint the dark wood, boards etc. Looks good

  2. Hi Cianty! What a wonderful comeback! I can't praise enough the products from Stronghold Terrain. They are beautiful and very well made. I agree with the stonework comments - I think you can really improve it (especially someone with your painting calibre). The work on the roof is sublime, although it surprised me you went for brighter, lighter colours than with the previous buildings.
    Good to have you back! :)


  3. @Relic: Thanks! Funny you say that. I remember times when browsing TGN posts of new terrain pieces and thinking: Damn, if only they made these buildings in proper 28mm instead of 15mm. :)

    @Joao: Yes, Stronghold is good stuff. I am especially looking forward to the facades I have because they are made of resin. I much prefer that.
    Those stones... they drove me nuts. Really I was close to throwing the piece against the wall. I have spent so much time using different browns, greys, green, white to get variety into them. Still it looks like one tone. Well, the stone structure on the Town House which is next looks more like my type.
    The roof came out like this by accident, I guess. I don't work with daylight lamps or anything so when it's getting dark outside and I still feel like painting chances are that colours come out... different. But I do like the roof, it kind of saves the house. And it's good to have it look different from my other roofs.

  4. He he he! I didn't know the hobby was conducive to domestic rage! :)

    The roof does look amazing - your best roof so far, I would say.

    That Townhouse looks promising. I wondered myself if I shouldn't get it at some stage. How fragile are these things? As fragile as Tabletop World products?


  5. I wouldn't necessarily say that the TW stuff is fragile. Granted, some of their items tiny delicate bits. But aside from the gigantic Ruined Coaching Inn which has a lot of delicate ruined pieces for the upper floots I'd say their stuff is perfectly sturdy resin.
    Plaster is just inferior. It doesn't bend and if you accidentally hit it against something it will just break. In fact I did hit the edge of one of the Guid hoses side walls (the upper top of the "triangle" wall) against my table while painting it and it did break off. Luckily it was a very clear split and could be glued back onto it without any visible effect.
    Another issue is the weight. Plaster is way always heavy. But the Stronghold Terrain pieces are not as heavy as what I received on Friday (photos of what that is are coming today or tommorow evening).
    So all in all I think that Tabletop World has the very best material sturdy but not too heavy resin. Stronghold use different types of plaster, by the way. The Guild House is grey plaster and the upcoming Town House is white. The grey one is much heavier I believe but the white one has a lot more air bubbles. They told me at the Tactica convention that one of them was the older material but I can't remember which was which. Let's just hope they make a complete transition to resin. Like Thomarillion. I have a lot of their dental plaster interior (desk, cupboard, etc.) and now these things are available in resin... damn! :)


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