
Saturday, November 9, 2013

Lazy Forgings...

During the last couple of weeks, over at the Lead Adventure Forum, I have been following this thread by Sangennaru (aka The Lazy Forger) about creating a timbered house structure. The result is incredibly realistic and detailed.

Original master of a timbered wall by the Lazy Forger

Eager to paint up one of those nice pieces I browsed his website and placed an order for some of his cool creations. Check this out!

Modular Resin Roof

The modular resin roof is a very nicely detailed 11,5cm x 13cm piece. With a few of these you can cover large areas and create huge roofs for huge houses. I ordered four of them and I think I'd like even a few more. Useful high quality stuff like this, you can never have enough of!

Little Town

Little Town is a set of tiny houses. I actually do not intend these for any wargaming purposes but for a little board/card game project of mine. These cuties will take the game to the third dimension.

Just looking at them totally sparks my imagination and glad I bought two sets.

Lastly, this bonus stuff that was included is also a testament to the great detail of the quality.

So, I leave with an open appeal to all scenery & terrain producers to buy The Lazy Forger's latest creation and make it available for everyone: A beautiful, finely detailed stable.

Work-in-progress of the timbered stable by Sangennaru (source: LAF)

Update April 6th, 2014: Fenris Games now stocks some of these products as well.


  1. I've just discover your blog. It is amazing interresting !
    I like the dock and the way you build houses. Incredible work.
    On my side, I'm passionated about mediaval castle and villages.
    Have a look at

    and at

    of my old website to see what I recently did.

    I definetely need advices for the painting ;-)
    Can you send me some other photos on my email stephane at ? I'll be glad to watch them

    Greetings from Belgium,

  2. Hi Stéphane,

    click the Scenery tab in the main menu at the top to check out the buildings. In the articles about the houses I usually describe how I painted the piece. It goes way back to my first house, the Blue Wolf Inn with a rather detailed tutorial.

    Hope you find it useful!


  3. Very nice post, impressive. its quite different from other posts. Thanks for sharing.
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