It's been a long time since my last post and indeed I did as little hobby activity as the lack of updates would make you believe. Nevertheless, as the year draws to a close I feel like a little looking back and ahead.
Port of Gierburg board is still a big work-in-progress. I find it hard to decide on how to proceed with the intended upper level and I really need to make up my mind and just go with
The British Unrated Cutter
from Games of War |
In October/November,
Games of War secretly released a new ship:
A British Unrated Cutter. I immediately purchased the ship as their quality has always been absolutely top-notch and I don't want to again miss the oportunity - like their Sea Prince, which went out of production before I made sure to get one. What is funny is that I actually previewed their work-in-progress ships back in 2012(!) on
this very blog (under the tag line "coming soon" too). How time flies...
Anyway, if you are only slightly into pirate gaming you should absolutely pick up their products. The cutter is a very very nice ship with superb quality once again. I shall do a review some time soon. In fact, the ship is already primed and it shouldn't be too hard to paint. Probably a good way to get back into the hobby.
The huge stunner last month was the release of the gigantic
Town Gate by
Tabletop World. This thing looks mind-blowing. Fortunately they also made the
Guard Tower available again. My order is on its way and I can't wait to see these two pieces in the flesh.
The Town Gate from Tabletop World |
Then I recently backed the
Kraken Mat kickstarter because of their Cobblestone City mat. Usually I am not fan of gaming mats but their unique approach to producing the designs won me over. They actually build the terrain and then photograph it and only make final touch-ups in Photoshop. This gives the mats a very realistic look - realistic in the sense of wargaming terrain, of course. This will make it blend well with the actual terrain pieces on top of it. So that's the theory. I really can't wait to get mine. Hopefully it will be a great alternative to my never-ending Gierburg board so that I have a great board for setting up my finished buildings.
The Cobblestone City mat from the Kraken Mat kickstarter |
So lots of toys to draw me back into modelling and painting. Also, I already look forward to next year's
Tactica convention at the end of February. The visit always gives me a huge motivation boost to finish some projects.
I also heard that Games Workshop intends to resurrect the Specialist Games section. Will this mean an eventual return of Mordheim in some way? This is definately something that would spark my interest - even it were in the weird Age of Sigmar setting. Though I hear that all the (attention, pun incoming!) cool kids are playing
Frostgrave these days. Hopefully there will be a demo game at the Tactica to get an idea of the rules. After all, I was playing
Mordheim in the snow already years ago.